Industrial Forklift 1 day

Date(s) - 18/05/2020
All Day

Runwell Hall Farm

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Industrial Forklift Refresher or Conversion : Max 3  Persons attending,
Course  Summary: For experienced  operators requiring refresher  training

Identify and comply with manufacturers’ instructions in accordance with the operator’s handbook, other information sources such as rating plates, and applicable regulations.
Carry out all pre-use and running checks. Configure the forklift for travel.
Manoeuvre the forklift both with and without a load in confined areas using forward and reverse direction, both with and without a load.

Set up the forklift in order to lift various loads.  Lift various loads within the full working range of the forklift.
Place and retrieve loads accurately at various places.  Place and retrieve loads from a vehicle bed or trailer.
Update on latest  Regulations and Guidance.