Chairman’s report 2023
It has been another eventful year. Uncertainty still lies ahead, crops looked promising early on, then we had a dry June, and we are now in a wet July. Nature so often has the final say on the weather we get, but let’s hope for a more settled time ahead for harvest.
New schemes to replace the single farm payment are starting to become a bit clearer. Climate change and the continuing rising cost of living are all likely to be high on all our agendas. These factors and trying to balance food production with environmental concerns, will be key influencers on our decisions for the forthcoming year.
On a positive note, training has continued, and courses are now running pretty much as normal. Skill shortages are always a concern and as a group we are looking to train more instructors for future years so if you know anyone who might be interested in this, please let Debbie know.
Despite the world’s problems, the Training Group has survived another year without Government funding, this being our eighth year of self-sufficiency, and with your continued support, we see no reason why this situation should not carry on.
A safer agricultural industry is based on good training, so while course rates are still so competitive, this autumn is a good time to think about catching up with your training needs.
The combinable crop agronomy groups (farmers / managers; spray operators) and potato agronomy groups are costed individually according to expected attendance and running costs. These groups qualify for both NRoSO and Basis CPD points and meet at the key decision times during the year. If you or your spray operators would like to attend, please let Debbie know.
We offer a wide range of courses throughout the year, but if you have any specific training requirements, need an update on a regulatory course, have had difficulty using your course allocation, or have any suggestions for different courses, then please contact Debbie.
Thank for your continued support and best wishes for the year ahead.