Updated 20th June 2020, please read
With the current concerns about Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK, we wanted to let you know the measures we are taking to minimise the risk to our customers.
Delegates Attending Training
If any delegate is showing any symptoms or has be in contact with anyone showing symptoms in the last 14 days OR had contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus. Please do not attend training courses.
If you experience cough/fever/shortness of breath even if symptoms are mild, STAY INDOORS & call NHS 111.
To reduce the risk of infection, anyone attending courses should follow the general public health advice…
• avoid close contact (touching or shaking hands)
• wash hands often with soap and water; if that is not possible, use hand sanitizer
• cover mouth and nose with a tissue or the crook of your arm if you sneeze or cough
• avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes
• wear a face mask or visor if you have one to protect other as well as yourself
All our instructors will be following the above advice. In the event that they need to self-isolate, this could lead to cancellation of courses at short notice, although we will do our best to avoid this.
If the situation in the UK deteriorates, it may become necessary to cancel courses in response to guidance from public health authorities. Should this be necessary we hope our customers will be understanding
While we have the current dry spell much training can be done outside reducing the risk of infection further. All our instructors have developed ways of reducing risk and in a lot of cases paperwork has been reduced to reduce the risk of contamination.
Our risk assessment and policy will be on-line with government guidelines
Whilst on-line delivery is suitable for some courses, the BASIS certificate benefits by the interaction between the delegates who come from a wide range of disciplines. We currently have no plans to move any part of this delivery online.
Latest information can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england
We have also introduced a self certification system where by delegates are asked to give a declaration as to their being fit to attend training at the start of each course day and would remind you of the following when you should not attend a course;
You or any delegate attending training, has returned from abroad in the last 14 days OR had contact with a confirmed case of Coronavirus & are experiencing cough/fever/shortness of breath:You should STAY INDOORS & call NHS 111, even if symptoms are mild.
We will also be asking instructors and staff to self certificate, should any of the above apply to them, and then place themselves in isolation. This may mean we cancel courses at very short notice, so hope you will be understanding should this happen. Courses will then be organised as and when it is appropriate.
As a reminder, everyone can help prevent the spread of infectious diseases, and public health professionals recommend that we:
- consider the use of face coverings/screening when appropriate
- wash our hands often with soap and water; if that is not possible, use hand sanitizer
- cover our mouth and nose with our sleeve or a tissue when we sneeze or cough
- avoid close contact (touching or shaking hands) with people who are sick
- avoid touching our mouth, nose, and eyes
- stay home when we are sick
As the health and safety of our customers is our highest priority, we will be taking additional steps where ever applicable.